Psoriasis treatments aren’t one-size-fits-all. You need to work closely with your healthcare provider to find the treatment that works best for you. This could even be a combination of psoriasis treatments to reduce or even eliminate symptoms. Staying up-to-date with current treatments is vital to ensure you’re getting the best treatment for you.



Topical treatments are medications applied to the skin. It is usually the first treatment you encounter. Topicals slow down or normalise excessive cell production and reduce inflammation.

There are several types, many of which can be purchased over the counter (OTC). Some however, only your healthcare provider can provide.

Types of topicals include:

Topical steroids:

Most frequently prescribed to treat psoriasis symptoms, it comes in a variety of strengths, as prescribed by your healthcare provider.

They control inflammatory responses making them ideal for reducing inflammation, swelling and redness.

Some newer treatment approaches combine topical treatment options, for example, a corticosteroid with a retinoid.

Topical non-steroids

Some ingredients include anthralin, synthetic vitamin D3 and vitamin A. These can be used to control psoriasis plaques.

Your healthcare provider may prescribe this treatment based on the location and severity of your psoriasis.

OTC Topicals

OTC topicals have any forms. These include lotions, foams, tars, bath solutions, shampoos and more. The two most common active ingredients are salicyclicc acid and coal tar. Other ingredients that may be included are aloe vera, jojoba, zinc pyrithione and capsaicin.

These ingredients are used to moisturise, soothe, remove scale and relieve itching.


Typically prescribed by a dermatologist, phototherapy involves exposing the skin to UV light on a regular basis under medical supervision. The key to success with this treatment is consistency.

Depending on your condition, your dermatologist may prescribe you different kinds of phototherapy.


Systematic medications are prescription drugs that work throughout the body. They are prescribed based on the severity of your condition and your responsiveness and/or sensitivities to other treatments such as topicals and phototherapy.

They are typically taken via a pill, liquid or injection.