You may already know that apples are a healthy snack choice, but did you know that they offer a range of health benefits? From reducing the risk of heart disease to improving cognitive function, apples can help keep you healthy and looking good. Keep reading for 10 amazing health benefits of apples!

10 Amazing Health Benefits

High in nutrition

A medium sized apple is equals to 1.5 cups of fruit. For a 2000-calorie diet the daily recommended amount of fruit is 2 cups. You’re already 75% there if you eat one medium sized apple!

The following nutrients are found in one medium (182g) apple:

  • Calories: 95
  • Carbohydrates: 25 g
  • Fibre: 4 g
  • Vitamin C 14% of Recommended Daily Intake (RDI)
  • Potassium: 6% of RDI
  • Vitamin K: 5% of RDI
  • Manganese, copper & Vitamin A, E, B1, B2 & B6: 2-4% of RDI
  • Polyphenols – a kind of antioxidant

When you eat an apple, leave the skin on! Half of the fibre and many of polyphenols are there.

Weight loss

Apples have plenty of fibre and water – two filling compounds i.e. you feel fuller for longer.

A study found that people that ate apple slices before a meal felt more satiated than those who had apple sauce, apple juice, or no apple products. This same study also found that those who ate apple slices actually ate 200 calories less than the others.

Researchers believe that apples are filling because they are rich in fibre and water while also being less energy-dense. Some compounds in apples might even promote weight loss.

Cho et. al. (2013) observed that obese mice fed a supplement of apples and apple juice concentrate lost more weight and had lower LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides and total cholesterol than those without the supplement. This could imply that apples have compounds that promote heart health.

Heart health

Apples are great for your heart! They contain soluble fiber and polyphenols which both lower blood cholesterol levels. Epicatechin – a flavonoid – in particular seems to have an effect on lowering high blood pressure.

It has even been linked to lowering blood cholesterol levels and risk of heart disease. Apples were even compared to statins – a common cholesterol-lowering drug – and were found to potentially be as effective at reducing death from heart disease.

Apples have also been linked to lowering your risk of stroke by up to 20%, lowering blood pressure and “bad” LDL oxidation.

Lower risk of diabetes

A collection of studies found a link between apples and a lower risk of type II diabetes.

One particular study linked eating an apple everyday to a 28% lower risk of type II diabetes compared to not eating one. Even having a few a week was observed to have a similar protective benefit.

Even better, polyphenols in apples seem to protect beta cells in your pancreas. These cells produce insulin in your body and are usually damaged in type II diabetes patients.

Good for your gut flora

Your gut is its own vibrant ecosystem of bacteria. For this good bacteria to flourish and keep us healthy, it needs food. It gets this from fibre. In particular, pectin – a soluble fibre that acts as a prebiotic – feeds the good bacteria well. It is also converted into other vital compounds. This compound is thought to be another reason for apple’s protective benefits against obesity, type II diabetes and heart disease.

Prevent cancer

Apples high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects are thought to promote cancer prevention. One study in women even suggested a link between apples and lower death rates from caner.

Fight asthma

The antioxidant-rich apples may help protect your lungs from oxidative damage.

A large study of about 68,000 women found that those who ate the most apples had a 10% reduced risk for asthma and allergic reactions! This is because quercetin – a flavonoid – helps reduce inflammation by reducing free radicals (which cause cell aging), as well regulating immune system function.

Bone health

Eating this fruit is linked to higher bone density which can protect against brittle bones in old age or due a disease such as osteoporosis.

Some studies show that apples may help prevent bone loss. In this study, those who ate apple products lost less calcium compared to the control group.

Brain protection

While most research has focused on apples peels and flesh, recent studies have suggested that apple juice may help preserve mental abilities as we age.

Apple juice concentrate was found to reduce reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the brain and lowered brain decline. It is thought that apple juice prevents the decline of acetylcholine – a neurotransmitter – as we age. Alzheimer’s disease has been linked to low levels of acetylcholine. It was further found that elderly rats recovered a marker of its memory when fed whole apples.

Protect your stomach

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen has been known to injure your stomach lining. Animal studies have found that freeze-dried apple extract actually helps protect stomach cells against injury. This could be due to two plant compounds – chlorogenic acid and catechin. Human research has however been yet to be performed to confirm these findings.

What would your day be like without a fresh, crisp apple? Whether you’re incorporating them into an afternoon snack or using them as a healthy dessert, apples are one of the most versatile foods out there. They can help with weight loss and heart health while also boosting bone strength. Not only that, they have been shown to protect against cancer and diabetes! There are so many varieties of this amazing fruit from Fuji apples to Honeycrisps. Which is your favourite variety? Comment below!