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7 Causes of Skin Allergies
Ingredients such as preservatives, fragrance, formaldehyde and parabens can cause allergies symptoms including swelling and hives. If a person is allergy to cosmetic, stop using all cosmetics and slowly reintroduce back the products to determine the culprit. Perform 48 to 72 hours of patch test for all products before applying it.

2. Nickel
Earrings that contain nickel can cause earlobe dermatitis as nickel is commonly used to create metal alloy items such as jewelery. Sweat worsens the reaction with nickel. Even spectacle frames, zippers, button and buckles may contain nickel.
3. Ingredients in sunscreen
Photocontact allergy due to conversion of some chemicals in the sunscreen to allergens when exposed to UV rays of sun is one of the skin allergy triggers. Some of the culprits ingredients are oxybenzone and salicylates.
4. Hair dyes
Hair dyes contain para-phenylenediamine (PDD) and other chemicals which may trigger skin allergies on certain people. Patch-testing can be done to determine whether you are sensitive to it or not.
5. Perfumes and Fragrances
Fragrance is a term that describes a number of different chemicals mixed together to produce a scent. Fragrances which are commonly found in our daily items include shampoo and soaps can cause allergic reactions. Even products labeled “unscented” may contain fragrance to block unwanted scents. Fragrance-free products are highly recommended for people that have skin allergies. The patients immune system causes rashes or skin eruptions when in contact with certain scent ingredients.
6. Latex
Rubber gloves, balloons, rubber bands and condoms are made of latex, which if you are allergic to latex, you will experience itchy and red skin. Proteins in the latex triggers the a body reaction as it mistakes these proteins as harmful substances. Rashes and difficulty breathing may be triggered as well. To prevent latex allergy in hospitals, non-latex gloves or low protein latex gloves are usually used.
7. Poison Ivy, Poison Oak and Poison Sumac
Urushiol oil is the culprit of the allergic contact dermatitis caused by poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac. Symptoms of this allegy includes itchy skin, hives and blisters. Any possible contact including touching, clothing or pets that have come in contact with the oil may cause allergy reactions. These symptoms can be treated at home by washing the affected area with cool water and applying calamine lotion. If symptoms are severe a medical professional must be consulted.