
Lecithin is a food additive derived from soy. It is commonly used in the food industry as an emulsifier, an antioxidant and as a flavour protector. It can be found in food products such as dietary supplements, dairy products, infant formula, bread, margarine and other convenience foods.

It contains choline , an essential nutrient that makes up part of the neurotransmitter acetylecholine. This compound plays an inmportant role in brain development and improving memory.

Benefits of lecithin include improved memory and cognitive ability, improved brain tissue health as well as possible protection against degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Gingko Biloba

Gingko biloba is an antioxidant rich herb where the seeds have been used in traditional Chinese medicine. Supplements are usually derived from the leaves.

Benefits of gingko biloba include possible protection against aging-related issues such as dementia. It is also thought to preserve memory function and promote blood flow to the brain.

Select Amino Acids

Amino acids are the building blocks of all protein. They serve numerous important functions such as structure and hormone activity.

  • Tryptophan

Tryptophan is an essential amino acid meaning that you need to get it from external sources such as your diet. Benefits include increase in brain serotonin, reduction of mild-moderate symptoms of depression and the reduction of irritability.

  • Tyrosine

Tyrosine is an amino acid used to produce brain chemicals that help the nerve cells communicate. These chemicals include, dopamine, adrenaline and thyroid hormones.

Benefits of tyrosine include improved alertness, focus, memory and performance under stressful situations as well as improved cognitive flexibility.

  • Histidine

Histidine is a semi-essential amino acid. This means that children do not make enough in their body and need external sources whereas adults are self-sufficient.

It is used to produce specific hormones and metabolites that impact kidney function, nerve transmission, stomach secretions and the immune system. It also influences tissue repair and growth, blood cell production, nerve cell production and histamine production.

Benefits of histadine include Improved attention, memory and mind clarity, reduced mental fatigue and improved cognitive function.

  • Arginine

Arginine is a semi-essential amino acid that is important for the maintenance of the immune system. It is involved in the production of nitric oxide. This molecule is a signaling molecule involved in various body functions such as blood flow regulation, mitochondrial function and cellular communication. It is also a precursor for other amino acids such as glutamate, proline and creatine.

Select B Vitamins

  • Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 plays an important role in over 100 enzyme reactions. This includes metabolizing macronutrients for energy, immune system function, brain development during pregnancy and infancy, neurotransmitter creation as well as hemoglobin production .

Research also suggests that Vitamin B6 deficiency is linked to cognitive decline and diseases such as dementia.

  • VItamin B9

Vitamin B9 is also known as folate or folic acid, folate being the naturally occurring compound and folic acid the synthetic compound used in supplements and food. It is vital for the development of the brain and nervous system during pregnancy and in children.

Folic acid is used in the treatment of degenerative diseases such as dementia and Alzeimers. It is thought to reduce the progression of Alzheimer’s, improve memory, cognitive function and mental function in older people.

  • Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is also known as cobalamin an essential vitamin naturally found in animal products. In the body it supports the normal functioning of nerve cells and DNA synthesis.

Benefits include boosted energy, improved memory, mood and preventing the loss of neurons and slowing mental decline.