Migraines. What can You Do?
Along with the characteristic pulsating pain are other disabling symptoms such as visual disturbances, nausea, dizziness, tingling or numbness in the extremities or face and extreme sensitivity to your senses.
Along with the characteristic pulsating pain are other disabling symptoms such as visual disturbances, nausea, dizziness, tingling or numbness in the extremities or face and extreme sensitivity to your senses.
In these highly contagious times of enforced social distancing and increased hygiene awareness, hand sanitizers are a…
Living with diabetes is not easy BUT there are many reasons why you should make active efforts…
1. Blood Glucose Levels. The bodies of diabetic patients are inefficient at maintaining optimal glucose levels. This in-balance of…
The method was extremely simple. Take three (3) pieces of white bread. Leave one blank as a control. Press our hand onto one piece without hand sanitizer. Press our hand into another piece of bread after applying our hand sanitizer.
With 1000 cases in China alone and even more increasing every day outside China, it comes as no surprise that through the plethora of information, comes some myths that are just not true.
Hand sanitizers are very commonplace. You see them sold in small bottles and in the pumps on…
We all know how to wash our hands, right? Rinse it under cleaning running water. Done. Right?…
We all know that proper hand washing is vital to preventing illnesses.
1. Diabetes is not a serious disease. This is completely untrue. Any kind of diabetes can lead…