Need a new moisturizer but don’t know where to start? Keep it simple ! Just look out for the ingredients below and find out how they get the job done. Keeping your skin plump and youthful.

Remember! Everyone’s skin is different so not all the ingredients below may not work with your skin type.

  1. Sun Protection (SPF)

Do you want to know the secret to keeping your skin looking young for as long as possible? Keeping it clean? No unnecessary touching? True. True. But did you know that the sun is your greatest enemy?


alWith it’s powerful UV rays that speed up deterioration of skin collagen and promote skin discolouration. Protecting against the sun should always be at the top of your list ! Whether you are inside or out, harmful UV rays can still reach you through windows; even the lighting in your office can promote collagen deterioration.

  • If you’re indoors most days, SPF 30 – 50 is enough.
  • Working outdoors? SPF50 and above is preferred. Don’t forget to reapply every 3 – 4 hours, especially if you sweat or are in contact with water.
  1. Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is the recent must-have in beeauty products. As a humectant, HA keeps your skin moisturized by drawing moisture into the skin; keeping it moisturized. By helping maintain the moisture and function of collagen & elastin,  the skin is kept looking young and supple.


Due to its lightweight & non-oily nature, HA is suitable for oily skin. This is important as it can provide an alternative to those with oily skin while minimizing acne breakouts.

  1. Retinoids

Retinoid is a type of Vitamin A that stimulates cell regrowth, which in turns increases production of collagen. You’ll find retinoid in many anti-aging products as the main ingredient.



  1. Essential Fatty Acids ( EFA )We normally absorb EFA from our diet or skin creams as our body does not naturally produce them. EFA acts as a fuel for healthy and glowing skin. Oils such as olive oil and shea butter also help the skin lock in moisture.

Omega-3 fatty acids can be easily consumed in the form of salmon, walnuts and soy.

Getting a moisturizer with an EFA can be beneficial for an improved moisturizing effect.



  1. Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA )

ALA is a great combination with moisturizers for skin that looks dull, has uneven tone or large pores. Properties of ALA include:

  • Anti-aging
  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Easily absorbed by the lipid layer

It can reduce swelling and puffiness, reduce redness, decrease appearance of fine lines and many more.

