5 Best Food for your Baby

A healthy diet is crucial for a baby as all important nutrients have to be delivered to your baby for a healthy growth, body development and immune system. Below are some examples of healthy food a parent should give their baby:


  1. Milk

Milk is essential for babies as newborns are unable to chew and they are not ready for any solid food. Breastfeeding is most preferred during first 6 months as breastfeeding your baby provides certain antibodies to babies that protect them. Cow’s milk or other dairy products should be avoided before 1 year old because babies’ body still cannot handle high-protein food.


  1. Yogurt

Yogurt is a great choice for babies after 6 months old since yogurt is able to boost babies’ immune system and help in body development. Yogurt contains calcium and vitamin D which are crucial for healthy bones and teeth development. Yogurt can also help your baby’s digestion as it contains live cultures. Plain yogurt is most preferred because it contains no added sugars.


  1. Egg

Eggs contain egg yolk which provides very useful nutrients for babies’ brain development such as omega-6 (linoleic acid), omega-3 (linolenic acid) and cholin. Cholin helps by supporting neurotransmitter synthesis and healthy expression of DNA. In addition, egg yolk also contains other nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin D, thiamin, riboflavin, biotin and folate which are all nutrients required by human body.


  1. Vegetables

Leafy vegetables such as spinach contains high amounts of iron, folate and vitamin K which are all very critical for brain development. Broccoli is another must for babies as it contains a wide range of nutrients such as iron, calcium and vitamin A. Calcium is good for bone development whereas vitamin A provides healthy vision and skin. Vegetables also help in solving constipation problems in babies. However, vegetables can only be given after your baby can chew well to prevent choking.


  1. Fruits

Similar to vegetables, only give fruits to your baby when he/she is able to chew unless the fruits are soft enough for the baby to swallow and digest. Fruits are important in a baby’s diet because they provide a lot of vitamins and fiber. Oranges or mandarin oranges provide a high amount of vitamin C, antioxidants and most babies enjoy the taste. Fruits, such as prunes, also help in relieving constipation as they contain a lot of fibre.



  1. https://www.drugs.com/cg/normal-diet-for-infants-0-to-12-months.html
  2. http://www.babycenter.com/0_the-10-best-foods-for-babies_10320505.bc
  3. http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/pages/solid-foods-weaning.aspx
  4. http://www.babycenter.com/0_essential-fatty-acids-in-your-childs-diet_10324690.bc
  5. http://bodyecology.com/articles/5-foods-that-will-make-your-baby-smarter
  6. http://www.parenting.com/article/the-5-nutrients-all-babies-need
  7. http://wholesomebabyfood.momtastic.com/solidfood4to6montholdbaby.htm