We interviewed one of our customers who has become successful in her business she wants to remain anonymous here is her response.

Table of Contents
Introduction from an Entrepreneur
As an entrepreneur selling cosmetics, I feel like it is my responsibility to share with you what it’s really like. It is so exciting when you first launch your business and the money starts coming in! But as time goes on, there are many challenges that come up. You have to make sure the products are always stocked and ready for shipping, which can take a lot of time out of your day. The other thing is that customers will often complain about pricing- they don’t understand how much work went into making these products or why they cost what they do. If this sounds familiar then read on!
1. What it’s like to be an entrepreneur selling cosmetics
As an entrepreneur selling cosmetics, I feel like it is my responsibility to share with you what it’s really like. It is so exciting when you first launch your business and the money starts coming in! But as time goes on, there are many challenges that come up. You have to make sure the products are always stocked and ready for shipping, which can take a lot of time out of your day. The other thing is that customers will often complain about pricing- they don’t understand how much work went into making these products or why they cost what they do. If this sounds familiar then read on!
2. The best day of my life as an entrepreneur
The best day of my life is when I launched my own cosmetic business! So many people doubted me, but it turns out I was right all along. Thanks to my cosmetics, I am able to work from home, spend time with my family and have a career that I love.
3. How much money you can make
I’m not going to lie; it can be hard. You might struggle with people’s complaints and see some bumps in the road, but if you’re up for a challenge and want to make your own hours, then selling cosmetics might be the right path for you. Plus it really pays off. I get home from work and look at my bank account and feel like I’ve won the lottery every day!
I want to share with you how much money you can make selling cosmetics. It can be a little tricky to stay on top of, but it’s definitely worth the rewards. The other thing is that customers will often complain about pricing- they don’t understand how much work went into making these products or why they cost what they do. If this sounds familiar then read on!***
4. Tips for being successful in business
There are a few things you can do which will make you more successful in business. The first is to not be afraid of failure. If you try and fail, it means that your idea wasn’t good enough to succeed. But if you never try because you’re afraid of failing, then there’s no chance that your idea will succeed either!
Stay determined and focused on the reason you’re doing this.
Stay organized with your time.
5. Why I started this business
I’ve always loved cosmetics but didn’t find the perfect line to suit my needs. I realised a lot of cosmetics were not what they promised some claiming to be natural but they were only referencing the extracts they use being natural. I decided to do something about it. I decided to make my own 100% fully natural cosmetic line!
Start your own cosmetic line with Furley Bioextracts today!