Was you with us at Furley’s Mangosteen Day last Saturday? No?

We bring to you a great recipe you can try at home!

Make your own moisturizer that is free from all harmful chemicals found in commercial moisturizers ! Add anything that you love from your kitchen to make your own D-I-Y moisturizer fresh in the home !


  1. 1/4 Cup of coconut oil
  2. 1/4 Cup of beeswax
  3. 1/2 Cup of olive oil
  4. Optional : Essential oils or Vanilla Extract

Let’s begin !

  1. Mix all ingredients together in a jar or bowl.
  2. Double-boil the ingredients you just mixed together.
    • Fill a saucepan or medium pot with water covering around 2 to 3 cm and heat over medium heat.
    • Cover the jar or bowl with a small plate lightly and place it in the pan or pot.
  3. When the water starts to heat up, stir the ingredients in the jar as it melts slowly to mix them completely.
  4. Once it is all mixed well and melted, pour into a container with a secure lid.

** Don’t forget! This has a shelf life as well. Once it starts smelling funny, its time to throw it out and make a new batch !