Milk rash or Atopic Dermatitis is shown in the form of red spots on your baby’s cheeks. Because it is called as milk rash, many people think it is a skin disorder caused by breastfeeding. In fact, milk rash is not caused by breastfeeding.


Milk rash is commonly experienced by infants with parents who have a (i). history of allergies.  The rash can occur in breast-fed babies after their mothers consume (ii). food allergens such as eggs or chicken.  This can be different for each person. In addition, milk rash can also be triggered by (iii). air pollution, heat, dust mites or tiny germs in the air or objects in the home such as pillows and blankets.

Milk rash is a condition when keratin trapped beneath the skin surface. Milk rash appear if (iv). milk had dried up on your baby’s face and was not wiped clean. It can also happen if the skin of the baby is always wet with (v). saliva or comes in close contact with some harsh fabrics or chemicals like perfumes or colognes. Another cause of milk rash is a (vi). change in the diet of the baby. Infants and small children have a digestive tract and immune system that is not yet mature, and they are not yet ready for a quick introduction to a new food. (vii). Cow’s milk can also be another cause of milk rash.

Milk rash can by itchy. Because of its location on the cheeks, milk rash is easily scratched by your baby’s hand.  This could trigger a rash that blisters on the skin and cause open sores.  These sores can let in bacteria and cause further infections.