5 things People with Skin Allergy Tired of Hearing

  1. What is that red patch on your skin ?

Whenever you walk around with your inflamed skin exposed, people will stare at your skin first before asking you the ultimate question  ” What is that red patch on your skin ?”. You’ve most likely heard it more 10 times in one day. Not to mention those whispers behind your back. It is tiring to explain to them about it over and over again but it is also a great way to create awareness and knowledge about skin allergies.


  1. Is it contagious ?

The sensitive question of ”Is it contagious ?” can be quite irritating to hear. People without any knowledge about skin allergies are worry so much about contracting the skin allergy to them either from sharing a drink or same meal. Skin allergies are not contagious as the problem lies with that person’s body. It is definitely not a virus or bacteria that can spread to other people easily.


  1. Please don’t wear those shorts

Seriously ? Lets just respect each others clothing choices. People that suffer from skin allergies experience rashes, hives and itchiness. Inflamed skin definitely gets better when loose fitting or short clothing are worn. If you feel offended or uncomfortable looking at the inflamed skin or rashes, just look away and ignore.


  1. Can you even eat this ? You can’t eat that. Don’t eat this.

Please do not stop people that suffer from skin allergies due to wheat, soy, fish and other from eating what they want. They know better; what they can and cannot eat. It is nice for a gentle reminder but try not to push it too much. They would love to enjoy their food as much as possible without restrictions.


  1. Can you stop scratching ? We are in public.

The skin is itchy and it is difficult to stop scratching it. When you are in their position, you would know how it feels to want to scratch that itch away badly. Let’s be considerate to each other. People that suffer from skin itchiness also would not want to spoil the meal by constantly scratching in the public, but sometimes, it is just really overwhelming.